If you hate this story, which is super duper scary, you are delusional.

It was a dark and stormy night. I sat upon my bed silently muttering to myself. I recieved a text from my friend Alan. Wondering what he had to say, I checked the message and read it. It was just one sentence.  "He's coming. Run for your life." Wait, one, two... yeah, I think it was one.
About 1.87546789864098754664 seconds later a new one appeared, just blank. "Alan must be bullshitting me but what is he up to?" I thought. I soon after got a call. My stopwatch broke so I don't know how long after I got the text the call came up. It was from Alan. When I answered it a skeleton popped out and said "Ready for your pedicure" but instead he chopped off my toes in accident then my head. You might be next, depends on how your feet look. Yeah you're next. For sure. I just hope he uses soap... mctavish.